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Our political columnist The Rebel offers the insider’s view of what is happening in Westminster as the Prime Minister survives another extraordinary week.
The Rebel is a leading political figure close to senior politicians in London as well as Cardiff Bay, and will always give readers the inside track on what is being discussed in the corridors of power.

We are at the end of another unbelievable week in UK politics and Theresa May COULD have emerged victorious.
Harold Wilson used to say ‘a week is a long time in politics’ – and it certainly has been for the Tories.
It is just possible Theresa MIGHT be able to force another revamped deal with the EU through Parliament, and is wooing Labour MPs in rundown ‘Leave’ communities to do just that, by tempting them with more money.
As one of her MPs told me: “We all think she is doing quite well”.

“Even trying to get those flat cap neanderthal Labour MPs in ‘Leave’ constituencies on board is probably not a bad idea”.
The famous survival instinct of the Conservative party may be kicking in.
Even ardent Pro-EU Tories and hardened Brexiteers appear to be talking to each other now.
A junior minister, Kit Malthouse, managed to put Nicky Morgan in a room with Jacob Rees-Mogg long enough for them to come out with an agreement!

If Theresa continues to do the right things, she might, just might, be able to get her deal through, even if the EU publicly have told her ‘no’.
She knows full well that there is no majority in Parliament for leaving without a deal.
Theresa promised the House of Commons that it would have another opportunity to repeat the effect of the defeated amendment by which Parliament would have taken greater control of the whole absurd Brexit process.

Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary’s suggestion that Brexit could be delayed for a short time, and the announcement by the leader of the House that the February recess has been cancelled, are also signs that the UK Government is clearing the decks to leave the EU.
If Theresa can soften the blow but harden the choice her deal can succeed, and the events of this week have certainly made that eventuality more likely.
She realises even more now, the truth of that old maxim ‘a week is a long time in politics’.

Perhaps Jeremy Corbyn understands it in more detail.
Our Editor Phil Parry’s memories of his 35-year award-winning career in journalism as he was gripped by the incurable disabling condition Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), will soon be released in a major new book ‘A Good Story’.
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