Fight club – next round

The Eye
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Watching life in a newsroom was an eye-opener for someone fresh out of university!

Revelations by our Editor, Phil Parry, of how he witnessed a fight in the newsroom of his first paper, and came across many extraordinary characters in his early journalistic career, prompted an enormous reaction from readers

Here we publish just some of them.

“I loved the ‘Fight club’ piece.

“Reminds me of my days at the Mirror in London where drunken fights were commonplace.

What happened in the Echo newsroom was startling

“I once saw a reporter hiding under his desk from another who thought he’d stitched him up.

“The attacker tried poking this man with a stick who was like a cornered rat!”

Another reporter said:  “We used to drink in a pub called ‘The White Hart’ but it was known as ‘The Stab’.

“One day I asked why people called it ‘The Stab’, and was told it was short for ‘Stab In The Back’ as that was where all the back-stabbing took place!”

Journalists had a certain way of working then

A further journalist told us:  “When I was on the (South Wales) Echo we used to drink in the upstairs bar of The Albert (in Cardiff).

“If you went in on Friday lunchtime, you’d see loads of Echo hacks drinking with contacts, and eating curry ‘half-and-half’.

“The ‘crime correspondent’ would be drinking with a senior copper, the ‘health correspondent’ with a hospital manager, the ‘business correspondent’ with a company chairman and the ‘political correspondent’ with a local MP.

It all seemed so long ago!

“That was how journalism worked then – proper face-to-face contact-building.”

Tomorrow we reveal how a senior executive at a controversial Welsh university where the Vice-Chancellor has been suspended, is on the point of leaving after she was not selected for interview. 

Our Editor Phil Parry’s memories of his 35-year award-winning career in journalism as he was gripped by the incurable disabling condition Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), will soon be released in a major new book ‘A Good Story’. Pre-order the book now! 

Pre-order this book HERE

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