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Edwin Phillips
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Cayo Evans with gun as seen on the ‘Jac o’ the North’ blog

Our satirical writer Edwin Phillips reads another Press Release to the mainstream media from extremist Welsh independence party Ein Gwlad (EG) now known as Gwlad Gwlad (GG) after revelations on The Eye that its founder was linked to a paramilitary organisation and had posted a picture of the group’s leader holding a gun, before our disclosure that journalists were unable to contact officials, and after news that one executive lived in England so could not vote for the party in Welsh elections. 


Stephen Morris can’t vote for his own party in Wales


We urge our supporters to take up arms and man the barricades!

Action is needed against the English, who have obviously planted the story about one of our fine officials actually living among them.

We in Ein Gwlad (EG) applaud the fact that Stephen Morris then our ‘General Party Spokesman’ and ‘Policy Researcher’ commutes to work in Wrexham from his home in Shropshire.

Dr Morris can learn of the evil plans of the English this way.

We are now Gwlad Gwlad (GG) and that clearly means to everyone that we have jettisoned the past some may have seen as unsavoury.

Working under cover means you have to live in England

It should have been obvious anyway to members of the media establishment that Dr Morris was working under cover.

It is of no consequence whatsoever that he cannot vote for the party he loves in the land of song.

Dr Morris will, after all, have endeared himself to the supporter of EG/GG when he introduced the party on the Nation.Cymru website by saying: “Wales is a unique country. There is nowhere quite like it.”

The dastardly English will be thrown off the scent by his comments such as:  Never underestimate North East Wales. People in the rest of Wales tend to forget that we’re here…”

Cayo Evans – a ‘comrade’ of Royston Jones

In the Nation.Cymru article he has clearly spurned his English homeland, by saying that Wales is “a different country. A country which has often led the world in technological and social development…”.

EG/GG has a noble tradition of development when technologies such as guns have been shown on the blog of our founder Royston Jones who writes Jac o’ the North, which proudly proclaims it is: “Interpreting Wales from a Right of Centre Nationalist perspective”.

It has been approved by our exemplary constitution subclause 18 paragraph four, that it is allowable to publish a picture of Cayo Evans, the leader of the excellent 1960s paramilitary group Free Wales Army (FWA), pointing a hand gun at the camera, and Mr Jones was right to revel in his long standing support for the organisation.

The party has a grown up constitution

After referral to the EG/GG disciplinary committee in room 101, it was ruled by our executive that he was also perfectly correct in praising Mr Evans as a “friend” and “comrade”.

It is a great pity that the establishment have reacted to so-called revelations about Mr Jones’ connection with Mr Evans, and ‘news’ on The Eye of his publication of him with a pistol, in the way it has.

A hotel where he was to announce the formation of EG/GG unfortunately sent a message to him saying:  “With regards to … concerns, we have now cancelled your meeting room with full refund of payment”.

Ein Gwlad/Gwlad Gwlad has huge support

Dr Morris has himself described the founder of our extremely popular party as “venerable”.

We have evidence of the widespread popularity of EG/GG by the flood to our offices of a letter.

In code this letter was extremely supportive when the writer said:  ‘YOU ARE A BUNCH OF FASCIST NUTTERS!’.

A modern approach to weapons is needed

It seems a shame to us that the English-funded mainstream media in Wales cannot be similarly supportive of our extremely sensible aim of independence, when one journalist apparently told that scurrilous website The Eye:  “It is incredibly difficult to get hold of Ein Gwlad (as we then were) for a comment. Nobody seems to know who to contact”.

On occasions the use of arms are necessary (haven’t people ever heard of the policy of ‘the armalite and the ballot box’?!) as well as strong language.

Therefore it has been decided by the National Executive Language Sub-Committee of Ein Gwlad/Gwlad Gwlad to support fully Mr Jones when he wrote on his blog:  “The meeting yesterday went very, very well. I was delighted with the turnout and with the enthusiasm shown…perhaps the one disappointment – given the interest he’s shown in the new party – was that Phil Parry of The Eye wasn’t there. You could have had a scoop, Parry – ‘Shock! Horror! irritating little git thrown out of meeting”.

Packed meetings for Ein Gwlad meant it was hard for the media to find a seat

So we say to the mainstream media who have alleged it is hard to contact EG/GG, that you are welcome to cover our meetings, and witness our huge support for national independence.

If you can find out where they are…


Tomorrow – more alarming revelations about state accused of supporting terrorism which linked up with Wales’ biggest airport. 
Book posterOur Editor Phil Parry’s memories of his extraordinary 36-year award-winning career in journalism as he was gripped by the incurable disabling condition Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), have been released in a major new book ‘A GOOD STORY’. Order the book now!


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