Banging on…

Edwin Phillips
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Hilary Lappin-Scott – ‘bloody marvellous’

After extraordinary news that the controversial academic Hilary Lappin-Scott who left Swansea University (SU) amid a top-level alleged bribery investigation admitting to staff it had been a “challenging” time, and was called “bloody marvellous” by another contentious executive who is now head of Bangor Business School (BBS), our satirical writer Edwin Phillips reads a Press Release to the mainstream media in Wales trumpeting their ‘catch’.


FROM:  Bangor University Guaranteed Growth Environment Report (BUGGER)

Bangor University – what a catch

TO:  All Regional Staff Editorial (ARSE)

TIME:  Bloody now!

We at BUGGER are pleased to announce that our new head of Bangor Business School (BBS) Alison Wride has instituted a series of changes which will please her “friend”, as she put it on TwitterHilary Lappin-Scott.

Richard Davies threw in his hat

Our ‘Guaranteed Growth’ team urge the mainstream media to ignore unfortunate ‘information’ that during Dr Lappin-Scott’s time as Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC) at Swansea University (SU) the police conducted an alleged bribery probe into a multi-million pound land deal with the management school she oversaw at its heart.

Senior executives including her former Vice-Chancellor (VC) Richard Davies were dismissed for “gross misconduct” and reporters should consider Dr Lappin-Scott’s mea culpa that it had been a “challenging” time.

Richard Davies said they should have realised who he was

We at BUGGER applaud the fact that her Twitter account now states that she is:  “Microbiologist & CEO |Supports universities with performance & strategy | equity & diversity | Mentors women for success/leadership” and not a PVC at a university where a police investigation is underway.

Her ‘friend’, the esteemed academic Ms Wride, is an important role model for our students at BBS.

The truth will out…

Students will acknowledge that she left Swansea (where her ‘friend’ Dr Lappin-Scott was PVC) in 2012 (after almost a full year in post), to join the private equity-financed Greenwich School of Management (GSoM, which was subsequently known as GSM London), as Provost when regrettably another major so-called ‘scandal’ erupted.

In December 2015 the Times Higher Education, unfortunately reported that GSM London was “rapped by Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) over business course”.

It seems that the QAA, which is the UK’s quality assurance watchdog, had upheld a complaint about a course offered by GSM London, a for-profit college and one of the UK’s largest private providers of higher education.

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education said a course was ‘not approved’


College officials were totally upfront and acknowledged that at some point during 2013 the title of the BSc Business Management (Travel and Tourism Pathway) had been altered on its course record database and that the error had remained undetected until January 2015.

It was also said in the criticism, that a number of ‘changes’ to module titles and learning outcomes had not been ‘approved’ by the university.

Plymouth University didn’t ‘approve’

Apparently the QAA added: “The approved structure and content of the Travel and Tourism Pathway programme is not presented accurately or consistently in information provided to prospective and current students, such as on the website and in programme and module guides.

“Module titles and learning outcomes presented in information available to students are not those approved by the awarding body (Plymouth).”

Disgraced John Hughes formerly of Bangor University with his partner ‘my Ping Xu’

Reporters should also disregard other so-called ‘facts’ about the excellent institution of Bangor University (BU), in particular concerning our former VC John Hughes.

It was unlucky that he said in an email that he was now with “my Ping Xu” and told a friend “I have found a much younger partner”.

It appears that Professor Hughes had been WARNING his friend in that email which has been published, and it has all been taken completely out of context.
The mainstream media in Wales – ‘bloody marvellous’

He told him quite reasonably about a previous Chinese girlfriend:  I had her youth and her beauty, you will have her menopause and her old age (have you seen how Chinese women age!)”.

It was ‘reported’ by someone who was clearly opposed to BU that the messages “were not only harassment but they were ageist, sexist and racist”.

We are none of those things – only BUGGERS – and all in the mainstream media should not report that one of our controversial senior executives, thinks another one who had been PVC at a Welsh university where a police alleged bribery probe is underway, is “bloody marvellous”.

Keep up the good work!


Book posterTomorrow – do Dr Lappin-Scott’s re-tweets of her controversial ‘friend’ Ms Wride at Bangor, show that she is touting for work?

Our Editor Phil Parry’s memories of his extraordinary lengthy award-winning career in journalism as he was gripped by the incurable disabling condition Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), have been released in a major book ‘A GOOD STORY’. Order the book now! The picture doubles as a cut-and-paste poster!