Shaken not stirred

The Eye
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‘I’m sure of the facts in this story, but I’d still better run it past the lawyer’

During a 23 year career with the BBC, and 41 years in journalism, (when he was trained to use clear and simple language, avoiding jargon), for our Editor, Welshman Phil Parry, empty threats of legal action as well as extraordinary abuse were rare at the beginning, but are now commonplace.

This is highlighted today by an incredible court case after a milkshake was thrown over Nigel Farage during the General Election (GE) campaign.


Even journalists who know their law have to develop a thick skin

It never seems to stop.

I think it is something to do with the kind of journalism I pursue, and I have had to develop a very thick skin to offer a semblance of protection against all the insults thrown at me, as well as the threats of being sued (which have NEVER come to anything).

As a journalist you are trained to triple-check every fact, and avoid legal pit falls (I have spent countless hours in classrooms being taught about the law before exams were then passed). Most items are also run past a libel lawyer before publication.

The abuse and legal threats are constant

Despite all of this the abuse and spurious legal threats continue, so it occurs to me that people cannot quibble with the facts as presented in the stories, it’s just that they don’t like THE WAY they are laid out.

This is the most recent example sent at the weekend: Your latest article is full of lies and made up bullshit. We intent (sic) to take legal actions against your publication”.

I am fully aware of legal issues (although it seems that others are not), and this has been put centre stage for me by what is in the news now.

Victoria Thomas Bowen admitted assault, although it was only a milkshake

Two days ago Victoria Thomas Bowen, from Essex, admitted at Westminster Magistrates’ Court assaulting Nigel Farage after throwing a milkshake at him during this summer’s General Election (GE) campaign.

It could have been worse for Nigel Farage!

In my early years as a trainee reporter from 1983, on what was then the biggest-selling paper produced in Wales, the South Wales Echo (SWE), the abuse or absurd legal threats following (or during the writing of) reports was rare, although they did happen.

Now these awful comments come thick and fastt.

In the old days people used to have to stop and think, put pen to paper, find a stamp, before sending in a letter of complaint to threaten legal action (they often seemed to use green ink!).

Phil on Wales Today in 1988 – it’s easier to complain about stories and issue legal threats now

Now with Facebook (FB), X (formerly Twitter), email, or in the comments sections of media outlets, this can be done almost instantaneously.

Comments about me have also had to be referred to the police for investigation.

A Marc Winchester said on Twitter/X, in a tweet which has since been deleted:  “I’ll whack him (me), and the definition of the verb ‘to whack’ in the Urban Dictionary is:  “to murder someone”.

He had links to the failed company No Debt Ltd and when it was wound up the liquidator said: “At the date of liquidation the Company’s draft accounts for the year ended 30 June 2015 suggested that the former director… of the Company… Mr Winchester (owed) the Company… a collective amount totalling £317,406 … Mr Winchester was declared bankrupt on 23 May 2017”.

Marc Winchester said he was a multi-millionaire, but ran a convenience store

This Mr Winchester is a family member, although it appears he is another part of the Winchester ‘club’.

But there is a connection with Mr Winchester, too, through another crashed business which also hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons – Falcon and Pointer Ltd. The BBC reported that the licence to practice was taken away after more than 40 million nuisance calls had been made. The item said:  “Falcon and Pointer Ltd used automatic dialing technology to make the calls about mis-sold payment protection insurance (PPI). The Claims Management Regulator (CMR)… (said) The firm set out to ‘plague the public and rip off consumers’…”

Some people just don’t like what is said

If anything, the torrent of insults is increasing! Attempts have been made (thankfully they were unsuccessful!) to close down my website, The Eye, because people didn’t like what was said there.

My Wikipedia entry has been vandalised several times, and in one instance the words ‘tool’ and ‘knob head’ were inserted. I have also been compared on Twitter/X to the comedy broadcaster Alan Partridge.

The Wikepedia entry has now been restored to its original form, after officials removed the abusive words.

The Alan Partridge comment was by a Sion Tomos Owen whose blog describes him as: “…a bilingual TV and Radio presenter, illustrator, writer and creative workshop tutor…”.

Mr Owen said in Welsh: “There’s no way that this website (The Eye) is for real?! It’s as if a Take a Break (light magazine) story has been edited by Alan Partridge” (laughing emoji).

Another remark which concerned a television ‘reporter’ who had posted pictures of herself on social media in skimpy clothes, is sadly typical of the insults I constantly receive: “Your article on Ellie Pitt was bordering on mysogynistic bullying, a really pathetic article written by a bitter individual who was a complete failiure as a BBC correspondent and also loved bashing the Catholic Church with your disgraceful Panorama programme”.

It was apparently ‘misogynistic’ to write about Elllie Pitt

Indeed accusations of being ‘misogynistic’ or ‘misogynist’, are a constant refrain among those who hurl offensive comments (including from a person who has now been jailed because of his pedophilia), if factual stories are published with the targets happening to be women, yet these are potentially libellous words and the description is also provably wrong.

In the past I have also been accused online (incorrectly) of being a “bastard” (many times), an “anti-devolutionist wanker”, “pure scum”, a “liar” (also many times) a “little git”, and (correctly) a “nosey git”“irritating”, or a “nuisance”. But these remarks come amid many others. Too many, in fact, to mention.


I rarely sue (although I do sometimes) unless the online message is particularly outrageous, and contains a libel (which most of them do).

Some can be supported in court using an “honest comment” defence (formerly known as “fair comment”), however most cannot, which means that any libel case is likely to be successful.

Perpetrators of this abuse appear to be unaware of the legal ramifications of their statements, and say the most appalling things online (which, of course, have been PUBLISHED to a third party so the RULES APPLY!).

Good reading material…

It looks like Ms Bowen didn’t obey the rules either (although being charged with assault when it was only a milkshake seems a bit harsh!), and perhaps she didn’t know the law (unlike me) – like all those people who threaten to sue…


The memories of Phil’s decades long award-winning career in journalism (when abuse was fairly rare at the beginning) as he was gripped by the incurable neurological condition, Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), have been released in a major book ‘A GOOD STORY’. Order it now!

Phil on BBC Panorama in 2003 – what is happening now has horrified him…

Tomorrow – why Phil looks on with horror at how after a string of high-profile scandals in the giant corporation where he worked for many years (The BBC), criticism is now mounting of its cultural output when it apparently includes in the bracket shows like ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ and ‘Italian Grand Tour’ where two celebrities go to Venice.