Carol singing – another verse

Edwin Phillips
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Our satirical writer Edwin Phillips reads an alternative feature in a UK newspaper about controversial middle-aged Welsh presenter Carol Vorderman, 59, who complains that people focus on her “big bottom” and objected to photographers taking pictures of her as they stood on public thoroughfares but herself posted revealing photographs on social media.


Fabulous-looking television and radio celebrity Carol Vorderman, 59, who has had NO plastic surgery, REJOICES in her youthful looks and puts pictures of herself in REVEALING clothes on social media yet was left IN TEARS after being SNAPPED outside her home as photographers stood on public thoroughfares, Showbiz News can exclusively reveal.

Carol Vorderman, 59, in Mail Online – ‘a VERY smooth complexion…’

As our colleagues at MailOnline have so accurately reported Carol, 59, has “incredible curves” and an “incredibly smooth complexion”.

These are important qualities for a television and radio STAR on BBC Cymru Wales (BBC CW). 

More of our colleagues, this time at the Daily Express, ACCURATELY reported that: Twice married Carol Vorderman, 59, said she would like her BBC Radio Wales co-star Owain Wyn Evans, 36, to play the drums at a “pretend” wedding she could plan in the future”.

Carol Vorderman, 59, with Owain Wyn Evans, 36, as the Express saw her

Carol, 59, asked Mr Evans: “If I have a pretend wedding at some point in the future, because obviously I’m not doing it again, like do a pretend one, do the whole thing as if I am… Will you do the drums?”.

“Of course”, Mr Evans replied. “I’ll bring the drums along”.

Yet we at Showbiz News always bring you the TOP stories and can EXCLUSIVELY reveal the important fact that Carol’s, 59, ‘co-host’ is not mentioned in the BBC CW Radio Wales (RW) listings at all!

Carol Vorderman, 59, was left ‘in tears’ after an encounter with photographers

They just say FACTUALLY:  “Carol Vorderman. Great music and great guests.  The perfect mix for your Saturday”.

Showbiz News can now exclusively REVEAL that Carol, 59, was in tears and disclosed her “HARASSMENT” when she spotted two photographers who were allegedly just doing their jobs.

One was wrongly in front of her on an allegedly PUBLIC pavement and the other on the opposite side of an allegedly PUBLIC road before she drove from her home in Bristol to PRESENT her regular programme on BBC CW.

Carol Vorderman, 59, at BBC Cymru Wales

Carol, 59, CORRECTLY said on a video she so GENEROUSLY shared:  This is what happens when you walk outside your home… This is what I call harassment”, and we at Showbiz News REVEALED that she had been left “frightened” after the incident.

On her radio programme she WONDROUSLY told listeners:  “Morning lovelies hope you slept well. Thank you for being so supportive. In the great scheme of life and what’s going on in the world what happened yesterday is tiny BUT it’s after decades of abuse & nonsense. More activity here today with the authorities. I won’t be bullied.’

Carol Vorderman, 59, prefers these kind of pictures

The AWFUL pictures of Carol, 59, those alleged photographers tried to take came after she had FREELY shared two ERROR-FREE photographs of herself in skimpy “home gym gear” which showed just how young she really looks!

We at Showbiz News are pleased to say that Carol, 59 and originally from Prestatyn, is a REGULAR feature for us but this has nothing to do with why those alleged photographers may have wanted to SNAP her in normal gear.

Carol Vorderman, 59, has NOT had extensive plastic surgery

It will be obvious to our readers that Carol, 59, has NOT had extensive plastic surgery, but correctly said to reporters: “One of the sad things is that people think I am only ever talking about the way I look. I just choose to pay no attention to it.

“I was a free school meals kid. I got to Cambridge from a comprehensive. That just didn’t happen in the 70s. Now I do a lot of work with kids from a similar background to me. I have my online maths school, I sell I-don’t-know-how-many education books a year. But that never gets talked about. Instead it’s,`how big is her bottom?’”

Carol Vorderman, 59, celebrates her Welshness but lives in Bristol

Carol, 59, has a dear LOVE of her homeland as shown by being pictured in a tee-shirt emblazoned with the Welsh flag at a rugby stadium, yet she UNDERSTANDABLY chooses to live in England.

Our readers will love the fact that she is, now, part of a CELEBRITY ‘set’.

A picture of another TV personality we at Showbiz News are close to – this time in his BIRTHDAY SUIT! –  was sent to Carol, 59, and also put on social media with the caption “Just for you Carol”.

Rhydian Bowen Phillips waves the flag for Wales and was sent kisses by Carol Vorderman, 59

She has also used Twitter to thank and send kisses to another supposedly contentious BBC CW radio STAR who has re-tweeted the views of a reportedly CONTROVERSIAL commentator who endorses burning down holiday homes and setting the union flag alight.

Carol, 59, happily said on Twitter “Diolch Rhydian xx” to Rhydian Bowen Phillips who DECLARED that it had been good to see her at Broadcasting House

Yet it seems the BBC Radio Cymru (BBC RC) STAR Rhydian has unfortunately enraged many listeners to his show after re-tweeting the comments of ‘Jac Jolly’ about the Welsh language, who has said on social media that he is proud cottages in Wales were burned down and tweeted that: The UJ should be burnt despicable rag that it is” with an emoji of a burning flame following the remark.

From Jonathan Davies to Carol Vorderman, 59, with the caption ‘just for you Carol’

It is CLEAR that Carol’s, 59, Twitter friend, Rhydian, holds extremely STRONG views himself and has also re-tweeted a comment claiming that a Brexiteer is “stupid”, as well as “A ruptured pustule on the anus of the country …and…I utterly despise you”.

Showbiz News readers will know that he presents on BBC RC at Saturday lunch time, and was a guest during the wedding of BBC Wales Today (WT) and Radio Wales (RW) presenter Lucy Owen (Cohen) to fellow X-ray host Rhodri Owen, in 2004.

Regrettably it seems that he has also been REPORTED to the Football Association of Wales (FAW) for using abusive language on social media.

Book posterBut we at Showbiz News KNOW that Carol, 59, will not abuse her position as one of the world’s greatest STARS, was right to complain about people concentrating on her BIG bottom and has NOT had extensive plastic SURGERY which is so important to present programmes on BBC CW.


Tomorrow more disturbing revelations about Carol Vorderman. 

The memories of our Editor Phil Parry’s extraordinary 36-year award-winning career in journalism as he was gripped by the rare neurological condition Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), have been released in a major book ‘A GOOD STORY’. Order the book now!