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We know more of the facts inside Swansea University than most!

Further examples of the extraordinary squabbling which has erupted inside crisis-hit Swansea University can be revealed exclusively by The Eye as another libellous email is sent to troubled staff questioning the power of the temporary Vice-Chancellor (VC) who launched a top-level investigation and asking tendentiously whether it is a “witchhunt” into senior officials who have been suspended.

No one is named in the message but the permanent VC, Richard Davies, and the Dean of his contentious School of Management Marc Clement as well as two others have all been suspended while the unprecedented investigation is underway. It has also been disclosed that Sir Roger Jones, who is Chairman of the governing body at the university, has resigned from a company where Professor Clement was also a director, although we are told by a spokeswoman this is “wholly unconnected” with the current scandal.

Vice-Chancellor of Swansea University Richard Davies and the School of Management Dean Marc Clement are under investigation

The latest internal email to staff seen by us supports “individuals who have played a critical part in ensuring your University’s future”.

Yesterday we showed how an academic had told us the university may be heading for “catastrophe”, and the days of a leading candidate to take over the top job could be “numbered”.

What exactly is going on inside Swansea University’s School of Management?

The disturbing events inside the institution have been largely ignored by the mainstream media, but can now be reported by our journalists.

We have been alone in reporting that the suspensions and probe are linked to a huge £200 million regeneration scheme called the Delta Lakes (Llanelli Wellness Village) City Deal. The university has not officially confirmed the news, although the project has been put on hold.

Andrew Rhodes – launched a top-level investigation but may not be smiling at the emails

Andrew RhodesRegistrar and Chief Operating Officer, has taken over temporarily and launched the major inquiry.

The new email comes from an ‘Ivstitia’ and in the past this person has described him or herself to staff as “Your friend”. It first draws attention to mainstream media coverage of the crisis by the Western Mail and The BBC and includes links, before it states:  It would appear that decisions with such far reaching consequences for Swansea University’s future as well as the wellbeing and reputation of individuals who have played a critical part in ensuring your University’s future has been dealt with by a Kangaroo Court of

‘Your Friend’ speaks…

“Is this an investigation or a witchhunt? One starts with an (o)pen mind,
the other starts with a conclusion! How can the power of the university and of this process be concentrsted in one man (Mr Rhodes) when such serious questions are being asked?”

The Eye have exclusively disclosed how in the past staff at the contentious university have been sent several scurrilous internal emails from “Your Friend” undermining the reputation of Mr Rhodes. The emails libellously allege that he has ‘failed’ elsewhere and possesses a worrying track record.

Legal advice has been sought

Part of one defamatory internal communication reads:  “The …
University is using the most expensive London law firm and deploying them
using student fees to crush four individuals, each having to deploy their
own resources
to defend themselves”. The email adds:  “This is clearly a David and Goliath situation.… one of my friends in a Welsh law firm estimated that the fees to the London law firm would have already exceeded GBP 100,000.”.

‘Your Friend’ says Richard Davies should be reinstated

‘Your Friend’ clearly supports Professor Davies – calling for his reinstatement, and stressing that an internal ‘vote’ should be held to back him, saying:  “P.S.: I remind you of the plea for Professor Richard B Davies’ reinstatement in time for the Graduation Ceremony – do not forget to vote (it is completely anonymous!)”.

We have also been told that the controversial Pro-Vice Chancellor (PVC) Hilary Lappin-Scott (HLS) is a front runner to replace Professor Davies permanently even though it appears many staff do not want her.

Hilary Lappin-Scott’s ‘global recognition’ has been ‘negated’?

One of the ‘Your Friend’ emails states: “… the wonderful work of Professor Hillary (sic) Lappin-Scott and its global recognition (has) been negated by (recent) events”

But one academic said to The Eye“The fear is that HLS becomes VC by default.  The consensus in my college is that such a move would be a complete catastrophe for the university.  If Rhodes gets a clean bill of health over this fiasco HLS’ days are hopefully numbered”. Professor Lappin-Scott has already angered staff by sending tweets of her expensive travels around the world on university ‘business’, and receiving an OBE for her ‘work’.

She also says she ‘promotes’ the role of women on her trips.

Steve Chan – a crook employed by Swansea University

Yet neither senior officials at Swansea nor its management school have been strangers to controversies in the past. We have exposed Steve Chan, a so-called academic who had been jailed for many years in the USA after a massive fraud yet was employed by Swansea University, before moving on to another company, and went to live with his mother in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Chan was imprisoned by a court in Boston for four years and three months, and ordered to pay millions of dollars in compensation. His jail term was followed by three years of supervised release, after he admitted one count of conspiracy to commit fraud and one count of mail fraud. He was also ordered to pay restitution of $12,596,298.

The university has, though, been reluctant to give information about him or his employment.

Why were our questions ‘vexatious’?

We lodged a series of questions with Swansea through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, but the information was refused on the grounds the queries were “vexatious”. Four of the questions we asked in the FOIA were:

  • What was the exact date that Professor Steve Chan of the School of Management registered for his Ph.D at Swansea University? 
  • What was the exact date that he undertook his viva voce examination for his Ph.D? 
  • Who were the members of his Ph.D viva committee (including external examiners)? 
  • Who approved the appointment of the supervisors for his Ph.D? 

The scandalous school itself has also made the news for all the wrong reasons.

Nigel and his son Niall who was also at the management school beneath a portrait of a former Prime Minister…

The former Dean, Nigel Piercy, left under a cloud after two turbulent years in charge, and contrary to convention, his death (which we first revealed) was not marked in traditional fashion by Swansea.

Professor Piercy quit more than three and a half years ago, after relentless pressure from The Eye, when he clashed repeatedly with staff, warned them the school was “not a rest home for refugees from the 1960s with their ponytails and tie-dyed T-shirts”, and described trade unionists as “unpleasant and grubby little people…usually distinguished only by their sad haircuts, grubby, chewed fingernails and failed careers”.

Professor Lappin-Scott did not give a eulogy to Professor Piercy to commemorate his death and as she was, initially, his line manager, this was thought to be highly unusual.

The misnamed ‘Wellness’ village project under investigation

In his ‘grievance’, Professor Davies says the project under investigation takes up 75 per cent of the “column centimetres” in the suspension letter he received with the rest detailing allegations that he “failed to assure appropriate due diligence, governance and systems of control around major projects and commercial activities of the university”.

With all this controversy swirling around in the background Swansea University staff have told us they are amazed by the university’s ranking in recent tables, and that Professor Davies offers ‘good value for money’.

Marc Clement (top middle) and Richard Davies (bottom left) with other members of the ‘Wellness’ team

They have reacted to us by pouring scorn on some of his comments which have been reported in the mainstream media, in particular Professor Davies’ remarks about Mr Rhodes and Sir Roger.

We have received observations such as “this is TV police drama stuff”.

Among Professor Davies’ statements in the grievance letter which was published, include the lines that after the meeting at which he was suspended, he was followed by Sir Roger and another member of the University Council to his room, “Sir Roger Jones acted as the ‘soft cop’ and (the other member of the council) as the ‘tough cop’.

“When in my room, both put pressure on me to agree to a deal.

Richard Davies says they should realise who he is

“I resisted resolutely and made it clear that the accusations were without substance and that I would fight to clear my name. There is a clear inference here that the only reason Sir Roger … followed me to my room to offer me a deal was because they knew that these allegations were unfounded and disingenuous and simply wanted to avoid a full investigation through which they knew I would be exonerated.”

The way the mainstream media has covered the crisis has come under attack by staff at Swansea University

The BBC reported that:  “Swansea University’s suspended vice-chancellor says he has been ‘left out to dry,’ in a letter of grievance.”

But apart from attacking the mainstream media’s reporting of the unfolding drama, Professor Davies’ sense of his own importance was also questioned by staff.

It was reported that he had said in his grievance letter: “Given my position, the authority of the council should have been sought prior to any decision being made.

Don’t they realise who we are?!

“It cannot be right that a more junior university employee can of their own volition suspend the vice chancellor without first accounting to the council and seeking their authority and advice.”

An article from 2005 in Private Eye gives a flavour of Professor Davies’ background.

It is headlined ‘University of Wails’ and describes the cuts “planned by vice-chancellor Prof Richard Davies and his managers; and (how there was) a further complaint over Davies’s appointment of (an old mate) to head the new school of management at an annual salary believed to be around £105,000″.

Perhaps journalists should also say like Professor Davies ‘don’t they realise who we are?!’
Also on The Eye our new political columnist The Rebel tells us what is really happening with the astonishing events over Brexit

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