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The past has been lucrative for Howard Williams/James Daniels but the mainstream media have completely ignored him

Pictures of a South Wales conman’s Ferrari costing £300,000 which were posted on the internet, highlight how he has spent years in jail for his crimes and defrauded dozens of innocent people, The Eye can reve

On the Facebook (FB) site of the mother of Howard Williams (who changed his name to James Daniels) it declares: “Woo-hooooo ~ Howard’s new car Fab & F-A-S-T !!!!!!!!”😲

Also included on the FB page of Sonja Williams is a video of it being driven, and another picture of the inside of the car, with a post saying it is: “Amazing xxx” 🥰

In advertising the car, a 488 SpiderFerrari says it wants it to give: POWERFUL PERFORMANCE AND EFFORTLESS DRIVING.

Howard Williams’/James Daniels’ new car is AMAZING!

It has a top speed of 203 miles per hour, and to lease a car like this costs £3,700.00 per month, with an initial payment of £11,099.99.

But if the car pictured on social media really is “Howard’s new car”, there will be major questions about the life of crime behind it, after the father of Williams/Daniels described him to our Editor Phil Parry as a “complete crook”.

Our journalists have been appproached by numerous victims of Williams/Daniels, whose lives have been ruined. The first jail sentence for him was handed down at Cardiff Crown Court on December 22 2005 and was for four months imprisonment. During it, part of one Christmas Day was spent outside the walls of Cardiff prison by his parents, in order to be close to their son inside. On July 25 2012 Williams/Daniels was jailed for four years. Some months after his release a damaging fire took place at the home of his parents, in Treharris to the south of Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales.

Howard Williams’/James Daniels’ father told us he stole lots of money from his business

Apart from calling his son a “complete crook” Mr Williams (Snr) (who ran a sofa business in South Wales) has posted previously on FB, as well, that he and his wife knew of their son’s past and on occasions did not like him, although always loved him. He said:  “…we know his wrongs often we felt he was a little xxxxx but whatever we allways (sic) love him, often we did,nt like him but we always have and always will love him…”.  Mr Williams Snr, has also told how he was called by the police to Clifton suspension bridge where his son was threatening to commit suicide.

However the mental problems of Williams/Daniels are unlikely to appease the many distressed people who contacted The Eye with details of what he has done to them. As well as engaging in dubious practices in the property world, recently Williams/Daniels has also ‘run’ a ‘restaurant’ called Billy’s Diner at Porth in the Rhondda, and had a correspondence address in Cardiff, which was offering deliveries during the lockdown, but it appears that customers to it have been duped.

One angry client said on FB the food took an hour and 20 minutes to arrive, while another proclaimed: I ordered a hot dog for myself, with salad and cheese, I opened the box and had one leaf of lettuce and roughly 5 grated bits of cheese, fair to say I had about two bites of it…My daughter had a chicken burger, not too much of a problem with that however had a stringy texture on the chicken, and felt undercooked, fair to say nearly everything went in the bin”. Meat there was served raw, has been condemned as ‘disgusting’, and it has been stated on FB that Trading Standards would be alerted.

A person close to Williams/Daniels told us:  “He has sucked everyone in. He owes some staff and the landlords lots of money who haven’t been paid at all. He’s using the name James Daniels and Alfie Elkins and (a) cafe (he opened) was called ALFIE’S in Roath (Cardiff). Another cafe (he opened) was called Alfie’s in Tonypandy, then he opened Scoops in Pontyclun.”

The reviews of his ‘restaurant’ ‘businesses’ (which switched to takeaways during the pandemic) were not good and it appeared he was taking orders but not sending out food. One critical comment read: “We didn’t receive the BBQ Chicken Wrap in the order. We have tried to ring twice but no answer”. Williams/Daniels moved to Murcia in Spain, when he changed his name, and has in the past posed as an ‘Estate Agent’, but his more recent ‘businesses’ have been mainly in the cafe or restaurant trades, yet when he ran ‘Crave Desserts’ in Merthyr Tydfil staff said on FB they had to “beg” for money, and that it was “absolutely disgusting”.

A video taken inside Howard Williams’/James Daniels’ new Ferrari shows how fast it can go

The Eye have also been contacted by one of the drivers for this cafe who offered extremely disturbing information. He said:  “He (Williams/Daniels) (is) not paying me for the work I did for him and he (is) also not paying the other drivers. Thank god I read your report on him, it save(d) me money and bother. The guy is a joke. I’m now £200 out of pocket, but it could be worst (sic).

A recent text message about the latest escapades of Williams/Daniels said that he has: “…taken everything out AGAIN not paid the staff Owes one of the girls £500 locked up and empty”. Earlier a ‘Crave Desserts’ staff member warned others on FB: “Nobody work for Crave desserts in Merthyr town, haven’t paid some of their staff for weeks, delivery drivers and kitchen staff, always says it will be in on Friday or Tuesday and I’m still waiting 5 weeks on along with others who worked there. Always got to beg for your money, Absolutely disgusting, you work the hours and expect to be paid! They have blocked me from their page and ain’t answering my messages, fuming!

Danni (or Danielle) Greer and Howard Williams/James Daniels in happier times…

The Eye understand, too, that Williams/Daniels has a new partner, although it was shown how two years ago he announced on social media his engagement to another woman called Danni (or Danielle) Greer while he was still married to a third person. Our journalists have disclosed as well, that Williams/Daniels had opened a tanning studio in Cardiff, although like many of his past ‘businesses’ this one also soon met trouble. Williams/Daniels has admitted to being imprisoned, but described it in a FB post as a “short while”, when his convictions in fact total years. He claimed:  “…when I was younger I did spend a short while in prison for fraud in the UK”, and adds:  “Stand up to the liars (and) haters…”.

Howard Williams/James Daniels ‘sold’ or ‘rented out’ luxury villas in Spain but disappeared with the deposits

But Williams/Daniels himself is a liar and hater. Apart from, over 10 years, spending more than four in prison convicted of 25 deception counts, he has been made bankrupt three times – in 2002, 2010 and 2015.

When in one of his previous ‘careers’ he conned people into thinking he was an ‘Estate Agent’, the anger of an individual was clear on a property website: “He (Williams/Daniels) makes you pay circa £10k deposit and then disappears into the sunset”.

At a property event in the South of England, The Eye were told that an investor had lost £30,000 to him. His extraordinary exploits have even been the subject of the website’s satirical writer Edwin Phillips and Williams/Daniels has boasted of owning a boat as well as a jetski, which he has said on FB was for sale.

‘I had a massive estate agency business, but it took just 24 hours to turn £56 into £1,000!’

He has posted a YouTube interview on his property website where he brags about his property ‘expertise’. He claims he had a “massive” estate agency business, but went from earning £20,000 a week to having just £56 in his pocket and living on the streets. Williams/Daniels also alleges he has driven expensive cars (perhaps endorsed by the photographs), and said in the interview that it took just  “24 hours” to turn the £56 into £1,000, yet some critics have questioned how much of this is true. One who is owed thousands of pounds by Williams/Daniels told us:  “This is all made up.  He lives in a complete fantasy world!”.

Williams/Daniels has also been in charge of marketing for a Spanish wine bar called ‘Blanco’ in Murcia, and he announced his engagement to Ms Greer on the bar’s website. But The Eye have divulged how over one Christmas and New Year, he warned customers on social media that they could no longer accept credit cards at Blanco, even though these periods are the busiest times of year for restaurants and it is almost unheard of for them only to take cash then.

The dancing had to stop at Howard Williams’/James Daniels’ disco in Spain after revelations on The Eye

He also ran dance nights at a disco in Spain called ‘Roldan’ but it closed soon after The Eye’s disclosures. Following them, Williams/Daniels asked a specialist company how to “get rid” of the “negative” stories about him on the internet.

He wrote:  When I google James daniels spain or James Daniels property or James Daniels murcia a load of website links appear for which are negative reviews and not true (The Eye – nothing is untrue). How do I get rid of these an(d) how much does it cost? Also how long does it take?”.

Howard Williams/James Daniels needed hospital treatment after his legs were broken

Williams/Daniels had his legs broken when an illegal drugs deal soured, and it has also been revealed on The Eye, how formerly he had teamed up with another ex-criminal from South Wales, who was put behind bars for drug offences, to start a ‘charity’.  He launched the ‘Crisis Housing Charity’ and asked for donations from the public in a venture designed ostensibly to help ex-convicts find homes.  The ‘charity’ gave an address in Cardiff but does not now exist.

There is, however, mounting frustration that only The Eye have covered the exploits of Williams/Daniels. One who knows him well, told the website:  “I was totally ignored when I emailed (the mainstream media) back last year, I was so hopeful when it was the Spanish national police after him.  He was also wanted for identification fraud here (Spain). Turns my stomach just thinking of what he is doing. Evil man”.

Phil’s investigation prompted abuse

Phil has been subjected to a torrent of abuse on social media from Williams/Daniels and his supporters, following discoveries by The Eye’s journalists.  His friends, wife and children, have been too.

In one tirade he wrote to him on FB:  “You write total lies about people (The Eye – we only report facts), bully to the point of harassment and suicide, and will not answer a direct email? This is not journalism this is a mixture of Phil Parry (The ex journalist) and (others) you are pure scum!!!!! Let it be publicly known that The Eye does NOT care about people it just lies to make fictitious stories up. BULLYING, LIES, MENTAL HEALTH ABUSE TO NAME BUT A FEW!!!!!”.

Phil got angry when he was called a liar

In another he said: I am have contacted you (sic) numerous times before asking why you consistently, stalk, bully and harass me? … You so far have asked the following for comments:
Abuser (The Eye have never said Williams/Daniels is an abuser)
Sex Offender (The Eye have never said Williams/Daniels is a sex offender).
Drug user (The Eye have never said Williams/Daniels is a drug-user, just that he has dealt in illegal drugs).

Sam McManus/Georgeson – another victim of Howard Williams/James Daniels’ greed

Meanwhile his ex-business partner, Sam McManus (also known as ‘Georgeson’), has first-hand knowledge of his lies. He has admitted he too was conned by him and that Williams/Daniels was a ‘sick man’. Mr McManus explained how he was deceived along with everyone else, and told The Eye:  He (Williams/Daniels) has fooled many people and I can only be grateful that there are good investigative journalists like you guys who expose greedy people like himIt is embarrassing to admit that I am yet another victim of his greed”.

Williams/Daniels also said he performed at expensive property ‘seminars’ in upmarket hotels or golf clubs around South Wales where customers were duped once again. For £299 potential clients were tempted with a “Special Offer February Deal – Sourcing and rent to rent training weekend”. The ‘offer’ was removed from Williams/Daniels’ FB site, where he was known as ‘The Shoes’, soon afterwards, and when The Eye contacted one of the golf clubs, officials had no record of it taking place.

Book posterBut these sort of events are unlikely to be enhanced when clients know the background to the man behind them, or that he was pictured on FB with a Ferrari costing hundreds of thousands of pounds.


Tomorrow – why the killing of an MP puts Wales’ biggest airport in the spotlight. 

The memories of Phil’s astonishing decades-long award-winning career in journalism (when the behaviour of those who had tricked people out of their life savings was always exposed) as he was gripped by the rare disabling condition Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), have been released in a major book ‘A GOOD STORY’. Order the book now!

Regrettably publication of another book, however, was refused, because it was to have included names.