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Gwilym ab Ioan – ‘big mistake’

The founder and former Chair of a controversial new extremist Welsh nationalist group have both been “forced off” the steering committee of a party which was “fraught with infighting”, are setting up a new organisation to secure votes, and a parliamentary candidate stood for a far-right English party, according to an investigation by The Eye.

Following a secret phone call by our journalist the truth about Gwlad Gwlad (GG) (Land Land/Country Country) can now be disclosed.

Coming before the UK General Election the alarming news seems certain to cause shock waves through the Welsh nationalist community.

‘People were sitting on the fence’

Apart from being ‘fraught with infighting’ the former Chair of the party, Gwilym ab Ioan (then known as Ein Gwlad {EG}) forecast it would soon collapse, and that candidates in the General Election would lose their deposits.

He told our undercover reporter:  “…our big mistake was not vetting people” and that has been thrown into sharp relief by the selection of Laurence Williams to fight the Vale of Glamorgan seat.

Gwlad Gwlad’s Laurence Williams stood for the far-right English Democrats

As well as standing for the far-right English Democrats, Mr Williams has also stood for the Christian Party (in Old Bexley and Sidcup in 2015), while in the 2014 European elections, he stood for the London region of the right wing Christian Peoples Alliance.

His political career however started in the 2010 General Election fighting the Erith and Thamesmead seat for the English Democrats. 

Meanwhile Mr ab Ioan (known as ‘Gwilym the gardener’) has also claimed that he has pulled the plug on his version of the party’s website, and is owed thousands of pounds.

The party has not attracted huge support

He said the ‘new’ Welsh independence party he is helping to create, would be called ‘Advance’, and will be formed with a well known Welsh Assembly Member.

He chaired EG before the party became GG, as it cleaned up its image to adopt a “more consensual approach”, but he has long been a controversial figure.

In the past he has described Wales as a “dumping ground for (English) misfits”, was forced to resign from Plaid Cymru’s (PC) ruling body, and he has been faced with major problems running a charity allotment scheme which failed to file accounts two years running,

Royston Jones – ‘not consensual’

EG/GG was originally founded by a retired heating engineer, who supports the 1960s paramilitary group Free Wales Army (FWA), and who, it’s claimed, has also been ‘forced off’.

Royston Jones (who styles himself in documents as an ‘Investigative Journalist’), writes an acerbic right wing blog and published a picture of the leader of the FWA holding a gun.

Mr Jones’ blog is called ‘Jac o’ the North’, and proclaims it is: “Interpreting Wales from a Right of Centre Nationalist perspective”

Cayo Evans with gun as seen on the ‘Jac o’ the North’ blog

He has published a picture of Cayo Evans, pointing a hand gun at the camera, and he revels in his long-standing support for the FWA.

Mr Jones has also praised Evans as a “friend” and “comrade”.

A published review of his writings was condemnatory and started by quoting him: “‘From now on the Welsh national interest must take precedence over everything’” I suspected that was what Royston was thinking when (he) posted his Steve Bannon video upon his blog, tweeted the fascist outlook of Viktor Orban and stood up for the Confederate Flag in South Carolina. I could not help thinking that the party would take anyone who would support Welsh independence and then even involved members of an indigenous Welsh far right”.

Did they get their guns from the IRA?

The FWA came to prominence more than 50 years ago, and it has been reported that the Official IRA (OIRA) gave or sold, most of its weapons to the organisation as part of its turn away from political violence.

Stephen Morris was ‘General Party Spokesman’ and ‘Policy Researcher’ of EG/GG, although as he lived in England he was barred from voting in Welsh elections, so is unable to vote for the party at these ballots.

Stephen Morris – can’t vote for the party in Wales

In a piece introducing what was then EG on the Nation.Cymru website, Dr Morris wrote: “Wales is a unique country. There is nowhere quite like it.” 

But Dr Morris works in Wrexham and lives across the English border in Shropshire.

Following our revelations about Mr Jones’ connection with Evans and news on The Eye of his publication of him with a pistol, a hotel where he was to announce the formation of EG/GG became deeply unhappy.

Officials sent a message to Mr Jones saying:  “With regards to … concerns, we have now cancelled your meeting room with full refund of payment”.

Aberystwyth hotel – ‘concerns’

He then advertised on his blog a new venue, with the words: I am delighted to announce that a meeting has been arranged for November 18th (2018) in Aberystwyth to discuss the formation of a new political party to defend Wales’ interests”.

Before this a ‘public’ meeting was held in Autumn 2017 and we divulged how Mr Jones had initially pledged to create the new party by early last year, with an Annual General Meeting (AGM) penciled in for March 3 2018, but nothing happened.

Royston Jones in his youth with the Free Wales Army (FWA)

EG/GG was finally unveiled at Llanelli later last year, but another nationalist blog had ‘reported’ earlier that a first ‘conference’ was to be held before the end of 2018.

Intriguingly Mr Jones no longer mentions EG/GG on his right wing blog.

Meanwhile his support for the FWA and Evans, as well as previous statements have been questioned, and it seemed our Editor had become something of an irritant.

On November 19 Mr Jones had written on his blog:  “The meeting yesterday went very, very well. I was delighted with the turnout and with the enthusiasm shown…perhaps the one disappointment – given the interest he’s shown in the new party – was that Phil Parry of The Eye wasn’t there. You could have had a scoop, Parry – ‘Shock! Horror! irritating little git thrown out of meeting”.


On November 22 he wrote after an article on The Eye:  “Following Phil Parry’s latest attack on me I asked for the right to reply (The Eye – there has been no such request), but he hasn’t responded.  I’d prefer to ignore the irritating little git but he is now making serious and misleading allegations that have to be answered”.

Plainly, despite our factual revelations, Mr Jones was troubled by our intervention, and wrote on his blog:  He (another critic of the plan) used the lies peddled by Phil Parry on The Eye”.
Mr Jones may have blamed our Editor in the past, but he has used ‘lies’ before in describing him.
More than three years ago he called Mr Parry “a lying bastard” and dubbed him “vermin”.

Our Editor Phil Parry became angry when he was accused of being a liar

Mr Jones said on Jac o’ the North:  “That lying bastard Phil Parry never misses an opportunity to twist or invent ‘facts’”.

He continued:  “He’s a mouthpiece for the Labour Party (many of The Eye articles have been about the misdeeds of Labour politiciansand often ‘trails’ stories for Llais y Sais (we never write ‘trails’ for other organisations)
Mr Jones has also promoted a petition calling for social housing only for people from Wales. Families from London who took homes from a Welsh housing association were heavily criticised, and they were called perverts.
Paralympics – a freak show?

The equal treatment of disabled people is viewed by commentators as a progressive mark of civilised countries, and it is seen as important to address debilitating illnesses, but it seems Mr Jones does not agree.

One of the lines by him on Jac o’ the North which caused particular offence was:  “Am I alone in thinking there’s an element of a Victorian freak show in the Paralympics?”.

The ‘Full Of Shit’ award for Royston Jones

But readers have been dismayed in the past by what has appeared on Mr Jones’ blog.

One commentator on The Eye said:  “The man (Royston Jones) and the knuckle draggers that follow him are fascistic ethnic nationalists end of and don’t really deserve the air of publicity except to say that wales has an alarmingly high number (of) far right supremacists who have convinced themselves they have oppressed status so think its okay to demonise ordinary people like retirees from English cities who’ve moved within their own nation state”.
We have described how Mr Jones’ former party, GG, could be in its death throes amid reports that it now has fewer than 40 members.
Gwyn Wigley Evans – ‘disagreement’ in the party

The leader of GG, Gwyn Wigley Evans, has admitted key people have left, saying:  “There was a disagreement about the direction of the party”.

He said in an interview with Nation.Cymru that the party is standing at the General Election in four seats where Plaid Cymru (PC) have withdrawn, but there is controversy about some of their candidates other than Mr Williams. 

Mr Evans has also hit the headlines for other reasons.
Last year it emerged that he was director of a company which imported knitted garments from Macedonia. 
‘This hadn’t been seen and the person has left’

Yet it has been accusations of being a far-right party which have constantly bedevilled GG.

Nation.Cymru asked Mr Evans about a post on the party’s Facebook page praising the Lega Nord and Brothers of Italy parties, and past praise for Hungary’s controversial nationalist leader Viktor Orban.
Mr Evans replied:  “I haven’t seen that post on Facebook. And the person who praised Viktor Orban left a long time ago“.
Or perhaps he was ‘forced off’ as we have been told, before GG selected a candidate who had also stood for a far-right English party…  
Also on The Eye – why all of the main UK political leaders are questionable.
Book posterOur Editor Phil Parry’s memories of his extraordinary 36-year award-winning career in journalism as he was gripped by the incurable disabling condition Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), have been released in a major new book ‘A GOOD STORY’. Order the book now! The picture doubles as a cut-and-paste poster!




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